Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Let's play some FOOTBALL....

Dalton and Cole both are playing football for the first time this year. So our schedule has been crazy for the last few months. We're not used to this....usually sports doesn't hit us until football season is over....around December. And that's when we start basketball and then almost go straight into baseball. And then we have several months off before basketball starts again. But not this year......both boys are playing. And it's been a blast. Darin and I are both really enjoying it and so are the boys. They are almost done though. Dalton has started the season on the first string for defence and offense. He plays wide receiver and free safety. We are pretty proud of him because he's never played any football before. So he's really just beginning to learn. And that being said...on a team with almost 45 players....he's still a starter. Way to go Dalton! Now Cole...he's in the same boat. Never played before and is a starter. His position is tight end and sometimes as defensive end.....maybe. Anyway.......they are both doing awesome. Cole has also just started basketball. That's another chapter to begin. But for right now....it's pretty hectic around here. But that's just fine.........

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