Walking around all day long and then getting to walk around in the pits area at the dirt track...Tia and I had some filthy feet. Tia's feet....
The gang....Aunt Deb, Me, Garwayne (it's Gary Wayne...but that's our nick name for him), Tia and Mom
This guy was the funniest. Those that were getting their picture taken with Barney...had no idea what he was doing behind them. He made some of the funniest poses with them.
Garwayne and I walked up to the very top of the stadium to get pictures...I thought I was going to pass straight out. It was so steep and so far up there. I could not breath. But it was worth it...the view was breath taking.
Tia and some pit crew guys.
Jeff Gordon...most people are not Gordon fans. But I like him. He's a really nice guys. I've watched him on Regis and Kelly several times and like him. I may become a fan.
Dale, JR.....everyone is a fan of his.
Gentleman....start your engines. And we're off! This was actually Saturday's race (the main race being on Sunday)...but both races....we sat on the bottom section. Saturday we were just a few rows higher than Sunday. Sunday's race we were on the first and second row. It was incredibly loud. It's a loudness that gets you fired up though. I loved it. I called the kids several times to let them hear as the cars went by....they loved it also. Dalton cannot wait to go to his first race.
One of Dale's pit stops....
Here we are Sunday....it was crowded....but I loved it.
Sunday we didn't even try to exit any time too quick. We extended our departure knowing it wasn't even worth the wait in traffic. So we setup a tailgate area to hang out and grill dinner. We were all decked out.